Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prepping for New Arrivals...

Well, hell: I've been damn lazy. Haven't posted any blog entries since the ladies started laying many months ago. Not much to report, really up until now. Had a bit of a problem with mites but other than that it's been very eggy around here.

HOWEVAH: Beaker has gone broody again so we decided to take the plunge and get some new chicks for her to raise as a surrogate mommy. The back story is that "going broody" is something that certain breeds are prone to (like our Orpingtons) which basically means that their instincts tell them to get ready to incubate eggs...even if (like us) there are no roosters about and thus no fertile eggs. It's nuts: they fluff up in a big ball and make these scary-ass noises when you come near 'em. But they don't hurt you at all. All the blood goes to their underbelly so their combs and wattles get very pallid. They stay in their coop and do not eat or drink at all for the most part for about a solid month (I swear!). here's a pic of it: she's already done it once before.

So when the do this, you can actually use them as a surrogate for new baby chicks! The advantages being that you can buy chicks that are already sexed as hens, and you don't have to raise them in cardboard boxes under heat lamps: mommy chicken does all the work! There are some rules to follow which I'll go into over the next couple of posts...

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