Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Chicks Arrive...

Here they is...wallow in the proshness!

These are Americaunas. Americaunas are a pseudo-breed developed by crossing the South American Aracauna (which tend to produce stillborn chicks overly) with various and sundry north American breeds to weed out the bad gene.

Aracaunas and Americaunas are the only chickens that lay blue and/or green eggs!

Unfortunately, the breeder shipped our local feed store a "straight run" rather than sexed chicks. meaning they could be hens or (shudder) roosters. The feed store said to keep the receipts because they guarantee their sexed chicks when advertised as such: if any of these three turns out rooster, they will buy them back!

Which I'd be okay with as I'm sure they'd find a good home that wouldn't eat or abuse them. Americaunas are very desired for breeding purposes because of the blue egg thing.

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